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What are your stories?
"I am just someone that finds it hard to lose weight” “I am just someone who hates the gym” “I am just someone who binges and needs to...

How is your relationship with food?
"Losing weight is not your life's work, and counting calories is not the call of your soul. You surely are destined for something much...

What I wish I’d learnt at School
I loved school. I was one of those weird people that actually really enjoyed getting up in the morning to go and learn...and I learnt...

Why workplaces should take health and well-being seriously
Here are some reasons why workplaces should take health and well-being seriously:

Why you should stop aiming for perfection
“At its root, perfectionism isn’t really about a deep love of being meticulous. It’s about fear. Fear of making a mistake. Fear of...

Why Intuitive Eating Isn’t Always A Good Idea
I post this at the risk of rubbing a lot of people up the wrong way. There are a lot of nutritionists and dieticians out there that will...

That Inner World of Yours...
“When your interest only remains in the external world, you simply separate yourself from the whole truth. The whole process of life is...

Do you worry others are judging you?
How often have you worried that someone else is judging you? Perhaps you wonder whether someone you have just met likes you? Or maybe...

Why You Can’t Stick to Your Diet or Exercise Regime
"Does refusing to go to the gym count as resistance training?" Most people cannot stick to a diet or exercise regime. Why is that? Why...
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