Therapy to Help You to Reach Your Health Goals
Once you transform what is going on in your mind - transforming what is on the outside, becomes easy...
Worrying about food, your body and your health can feel like a constant battle and struggle. You may have spent years feeling out of control around food, turning to food to cope with emotions or finding yourself over-eating or binge-eating regularly. You may have also tried several meal plans and approaches in an attempt to optimise your health. Unfortunately diets, meal plans and quick-fixes rarely work long-term to change your relationship with food and your lifestyle habits. At The Food Therapy Clinic we want to help free you from that constant struggle and battle with food. We can give you the tools to enable you to build the habits that will allow you to get to your health goals but also to sustain this for the long-term without feeling miserable or deprived.
Helping you to Rebuild Your Relationship with Food
We identify why you make unhelpful food choices and help you to reverse these patterns so that you can achieve permanent change.
Do you have a desire to optimise your health but find it difficult to do so? Perhaps you know exactly what you should be doing to optimise your health but find it difficult to do these things?
Do you feel as though those around you seem to be able to eat as much as they want to and stay healthy but you are always struggling, going on diets, counting calories, restricting your food intake and still you cannot seem to achieve your health goals?
Have you lost all motivation to eat healthily and to exercise?
Are you always planning to start a new health plan “tomorrow” or on Monday? Or perhaps you finding yourself putting off your healthy eating regime for an extra few days/ weeks because you have dinners/events/plans coming up?
Do you start each day with good intentions, then have one food that is "off-plan" and think "well, I have ruined it now, so I might as well eat whatever I want"?
Do you feel you have lost control over your food choices? Do you wish you made food choices to take care of and nourish your body?
Do you turn to chocolate, cakes and treats the moment you get stressed, upset or a bit bored? Maybe you would describe yourself as an “emotional eater” or a “comfort eater”?
Do you wish that you felt less tired all of the time or that you had the energy and vitality that you used to have when you were younger?
Our Approach
Reversing unhealthy patterns - freeing you to lead a happy and healthy life.
Changing your lifestyle is far more complicated that just following a meal plan or deciding to exercise more. As humans, we are creatures of habit, and therefore change can be difficult for all of us. Short-term many people can follow a new healthy-eating plan and commit to regular exercise. However, most people will struggle to maintain new lifestyle this unless they address the underlying drivers for their lifestyle choices and find a new approach to food and their lifestyle that they feel they can sustain for the long-term. It is important to us to help you to rebuild your relationship with food and achieve your health goals in a way that you can also sustain over the long-term.
Unhealthy habits are often triggered by subconscious patterns that you have little or no active control over. Here at The Food Therapy Clinic we find out why you are unable to reverse your unhealthy habits. For each individual there will be unique drivers and psychological patterns that cause them to get stuck eating the same foods over and over again. Once we have identified these patterns and drivers, we can help you to make lasting changes - leaving you free to enjoy a healthy relationship with food and to enjoy your life!
Much like driving, dancing or any other skill that we perform on auto-pilot - our eating patterns can become unhealthy, automatic responses to certain triggers. Using techniques such as hypnotherapy and psychotherapy those unhealthy habits can be reversed for good.
Why Choose To Work With Us
Helping you to understand why you engage in certain behaviours and to shift these patterns
Once you transform what is going on in your mind - transforming what is on the outside, becomes easy...
Worrying about food, your body and your weight can feel like a constant battle and struggle. You may have spent years feeling out of control around food, turning to food to cope with emotions or finding yourself over-eating or binge-eating regularly. Unfortunately diets and quick-fixes rarely work long-term to change your relationship with food. We really care about helping individuals to understand why they are engaging in certain unhelpful patterns of behaviour and then equipping them with tools and strategies to shift those patterns. When it comes to making changes to your health, willpower will only take you so far. However understanding the drivers for your food choices and what you can do to shift your habits, can actually bring about changes that you are able to sustain for the long-term.
Get in Touch
Get in touch to book in a free consultation
We understand how challenging it can be to face issues around food and know that it will be important for you to find the right treatment for you. This is why we think that it is important that you are given the opportunity to speak to the founder of the clinic before committing to any therapy packages or products. We offer a 20 minute free phone consultation to anyone that is thinking about booking in a session or signing up for an online programme. Use the contact form below or email to book in your 20-minute consultation.