Orthorexia Therapy
Once you transform what is going on in your mind - transforming what is on the outside, becomes easy...
Worrying about food, your body and your health can feel like a constant battle and struggle. You may have embarked on a healthy eating plan with good intentions, only to find that your diet has now become very limited and restrictive. You may even feel scared, nervous or anxious to eat a broad range of foods which you now consider "unhealthy". This may be stopping you from going out, eating with others and enjoying your life. At The Food Therapy Clinic we want to help free you from those constant worries about food and your health. We can give you the tools to enable you to feel truly healthy mentally, emotionally as well as physically with a balanced and flexible approach to food.
Helping you to Rebuild your Relationship with Food
Our specialist team of therapists identify why you may feel worried to eat certain foods and help you to reverse these patterns so that you can achieve permanent change.
Have friends and family been commenting on how much weight you have lost?
Or maybe your friends and family have noticed that you have now given up sugar, gluten, dairy, fruit, grains, nuts, seeds... and a whole list of other foods - to the point where you can hardly eat anything anymore?
Do you really want to lead a healthy lifestyle but have found that you are now scared of any food that is not “clean” or "healthy"?
Are you completely obsessed with food and do you spend lots of your time thinking about it - even though you won’t let yourself eat very much food?

Do people tell you how slim you are and yet all you notice when you look in the mirror is how big your thighs are, or how much fat you have on your stomach?
Do you feel nervous when others offer to cook for you or you have to go for a meal as you are worried about what the meal may contain?
Are your worries about food holding you back from socialising around food, travelling, eating at restaurants or otherwise from enjoying your life?
Do you wish you could just feel healthy both mental and physically without having to worry so much about your food choices?

Our Approach
Reversing unhealthy patterns - freeing you to lead a happy and healthy life.
Orthorexia can often be driven by a need for control or a need to achieve perfection. Orthorexia often involves controlling WHAT foods are eaten - with a desire to avoid any foods that are “unhealthy” or “unclean”. Whilst the initial intention behind an individual’s food choices may be good i.e. to eat more healthily, this can quickly spiral into a situation where that individual then has a fear around eating many “unclean” or “unhealthy” foods. At The Food Therapy Clinic we understand why you control your food choices and strive for perfection and help you to reverse the patterns that cause this desire for control/perfection, so that you can achieve permanent change. The desire for control and/or perfection is triggered by subconscious patterns that those suffering with orthorexia have little or no active control over. Ironically those with orthorexia often spend lots of their time thinking about food, despite not allowing themselves to eat very much of it.
An interdisciplinary approach
Resolving the root cause
Providing a long-term solution

Why Choose To Work With Us
We find the root cause of your unhealthy eating patterns.
We find out why you feel the need for control or to achieve perfection. For each individual there will be unique drivers and psychological patterns that cause them to become trapped in the orthorexic mindset. What often begins as just a healthy desire to lose a little weight or to lead a healthier lifestyle, often transforms into unhealthy obsessive thoughts. By identifying what these unhealthy thoughts are and why they have developed, we help you to eradicate the unhealthy patterns - leaving you free to enjoy food and your life again.
Much like driving, dancing or any other skill that we perform on auto-pilot - our eating patterns can become unhealthy, automatic responses to certain triggers. Using techniques such as hypnotherapy those unhealthy habits can be reversed for good.
Get in Touch
Get in touch to book in a free consultation

We understand how challenging it can be to face issues around food and know that it will be important for you to find the right treatment for you. This is why we think that it is important that you are given the opportunity to speak to someone at the clinic before committing to any therapy packages or products. We offer a 20 minute free phone consultation to anyone that is thinking about booking in a session or signing up for an online programme. Use the contact form below or email info@thefoodtherapyclinic.com to book in your 20-minute consultation.